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Wolfreton Park Bowling Club Awarded Funding For New Equipment



Wolfreton Park Bowling Club have been awarded £781.38 funding from East Riding of Yorkshire Council as part of Commuted Sums from local housing developments. The funding has been awarded towards new bowls equipment.

The remaining money for the £1,000 project will be funded by Wolfreton Park Bowling Club’s funds.

With the funding, Wolfreton Park Bowling Club will be able to purchase three bowling arms, two UBI launchers, two telescopic jack setters, a bowls buddy walking frame, a walking stick seat, two flat rubber ferrules for bowling, walking sticks and six white jacks

Susan Hall, Director at Wolfreton Park Bowling Club Club, said: “Current members (the eldest being 97 years old!), who are now having difficulty playing due to various health issues, and were considering having to stop bowling, could have their playing careers extended by making use of the disability aids.

“The award means that the Club, although making a 20 % contribution towards the equipment, has not had to fund the entire cost, and therefore not had to increase fees.

“It is important that we keep membership subscriptions at an affordable level, as we wish to attract more members from the local community, offering them healthy, inexpensive exercise and varied social events.

Councillor Gary McMaster, portfolio holder for enhancing communities, added: “The award of these Commuted Sums provided by local housing developments as a condition of their planning approval is very exciting news for Wolfreton Park Bowling Club. I am delighted that we have been able to facilitate them and help their members keep bowling!”

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