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Sewerby Hall and Gardens welcomes new arrivals to their Zoo



The team at the Zoo at Sewerby Hall and Gardens have announced more new arrivals.

The first is Princess, a six month old standard donkey; she is very friendly and loves a fuss, as she was hand reared by the staff at Cannon Hall farm.

Princess arrived at Sewerby Zoo with her two companions, Jackson and Wonky Donkey, two miniature donkeys; Jackson is 18 months old and Wonky donkey is five months old.

Miniature donkeys are originally from Sardinia and Sicily . Both Jackson and Wonky donkey love to play together.

The other new arrivals are two Boer goat nannies, also from Cannon Hall farm, named Annie and Rusty. Boer goats are originally from South Africa.

The zoo at Sewerby Hall and Gardens is open daily – full details of opening hours and admission prices are at

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