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Exciting NEW outdoor gym opens in Beverley

East Riding Leisure Beverley is proud to announce the opening of The Mill, a pioneering outdoor gym and fitness facility, the first of its kind in the North of England. This cutting-edge development offers a new dimension to fitness, blending the appeal of outdoor activities with the comprehensive capabilities of a traditional gym.

The Mill breaks new ground in fitness and wellness, standing out as an all-year fitness destination. Its diverse range of equipment includes squat racks, pull-up bars, and various accessory riggings like battle ropes, weights, slam balls, dog sleds, kettlebells, and plyo boxes. This facility is designed to provide a full-body workout in the fresh, open air of Beverley.

Complementing the equipment are a variety of classes such as Boot Camp, Endurance, and Box and Burn, each tailored to challenge participants in different ways. These classes offer a holistic approach to fitness, combining elements of strength, cardio, and endurance training, ensuring a comprehensive fitness experience for all attendees.

One of the most notable aspects of The Mill is its inclusivity. It caters to both members and casual users, making it an accessible fitness spot for the entire community. Additionally, the facility can be hired out by groups, organisations, and external fitness professionals, offering a versatile space for a range of fitness activities and events.

“The Mill represents our commitment to promoting health and wellness in the East Riding area,” said a spokesperson for East Riding Leisure Beverley. “It’s more than a gym; it’s a community space that encourages active lifestyles and brings people together in the pursuit of fitness and well-being.”

East Riding Leisure Beverley invites locals and visitors alike to experience this unique outdoor gym. Whether you’re looking to shake up your regular workout routine or embark on a new fitness journey, The Mill offers an experience like no other.

For more information about The Mill and how to get involved, please visit East Riding Leisure Beverley’s website.

This is a promotional article on behalf of East Riding Leisure. Please support out sponsors who enable us to carry out our work.

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