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Goole Museum explores hidden hoards and fabulous finds in new exhibition

Treasure!  Hidden Hoards and Fabulous Finds is an archaeology exhibition at Goole Museum, which is open until Thursday, 3 August. 

There are thousands of treasured items in East Riding Museums collections, but some objects are quite literally treasure! The exhibition showcases objects that are defined as treasure under the Treasure Act 1996 and explores this fascinating aspect of archaeology.

It will be a chance to discover Viking gold rings, a pendant with Roman mosaic, and even a bronze age sword. There is also some more unusual treasure, such as a pile of 13th-century silver coins found near Huggate that have been fused together, and bits of Bronze Age metalworking waste found near Bishop Burton. Under the Treasure Act 1996, even off-cuts of metal can sometimes be classed as treasure.

Dr Alex Ombler, Curator of Goole Museum, said: “We’re very excited about opening the new exhibition ‘Treasure!  Hidden Hoards and Fabulous Finds’, particularly as it’s the first archaeology exhibition we’ve had since I joined the museum.

“Installing the exhibition was great fun and I couldn’t believe I was handling (with great care!) objects that had been held by people who lived in our region hundreds of years ago; it really was quite breathtaking. What also amazes me is the intricate detail and designs on many of these pieces of archaeology – the skill of the people who created these objects is there to be seen.”    

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