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Hull City Council recruit Mental Health First Aiders as part of new policy to support staff



Dozens of Hull City Council staff are signing up to support colleagues by becoming accredited Mental Health First Aiders.

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an internationally recognised programme designed to raise the profile of mental ill health to the level of physical ill health. Volunteers are trained to learn how to spot the signs and symptoms of mental ill health and provide help on a first aid basis.

In the same way as learning physical first aid, MHFA teaches people how to recognise those crucial warning signs of mental ill health and feel confident to guide someone to appropriate support.

40 members of staff have already signed up, and it is hoped that this number will double with the launch of a new policy to support mental health in the workplace.

Kate Harley, assistant director of Organisation Development and HR at Hull City Council, had this to say –

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