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Interactive & multilingual map of Hull launched to welcome people to the city

The city’s first interactive and multilingual map has been launched as a part of the Hullitage Project, funded by the National Lottery Community Fund.

The unique ‘Hullitage’ map has been built by the National Initiative for Creative Education and is co-created by participants and volunteers. It contains interesting and often forgotten information about Hull’s rich heritage, history, culture and art.

The map is accessible and easy to use and is available in Polish and English, and soon will be translated also into Arabic, Romanian and Russian. It contains photos, videos and audio recordings, and is linked with Google Maps for easier navigation around the city.

Magda Moses, artistic director, NICE, said: ‘’Hull has a very rich and fascinating heritage and history which, we believe, should be celebrated by all. The idea of the Hullitage project is to bring together people from different backgrounds and show them what our city has on offer.’’ ‘’The map is what our city needs to continue the legacy of Hull2017, it will welcome all of Hull’s visitors with an accessible and interactive experience. Creating an all-inclusive platform that provides visitors with the opportunity to fully explore Hull without boundaries.”

Anna Grzybowska, executive director, NICE, said: ‘’The Hullitage Map serves as the force for achieving outcomes beyond the collective contributions of individuals. Our map is an example of a meta-physical platform where we channel the power of teamwork, elevate unity and give opportunity for diverse leaders to orchestrate, in pursuit of collective dreams being transformed and achieved. We invite residents and organisations to join and co-create this marvellous idea throughout its continual improvement.’’

You can view the map here.

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