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New ‘nudge’ pedestrian crossings appear in Hull



An innovative new pedestrian crossing designed to improve safety was installed in Anlaby Road over the weekend.

It forms part of two new crossings in the city, aimed at using behavioural science to ‘nudge’ more people to use them – and use them correctly.

The crossings, which will be the first of their kind in the UK, will have eye-catching designs to encourage people to use them.

The second crossing will be installed in Market Place, later this week.

Councillor Dean Kirk, portfolio holder for transport at Hull City Council, said:  “We welcome the installation of the ‘nudge’ pedestrian crossings, and are pleased to be part of this innovative project which complements the council’s road safety strategy that was launched in March last year.

“By working closely with the Road Safety Trust and Liverpool City Council, Hull will play a crucial part in a wider approach in helping to reduce pedestrian casualties on the roads.”

Pedestrian casualty rates in Liverpool and Hull are among the highest in the UK, at 54 and 44 resident casualties per 100,000 people, respectively.

The full trial will be carried out in Anlaby Road and Market Place from October 18 to 31, after which the crossing designs will be removed.

The project is being delivered alongside behavioural science company So-Mo and data company Agilysis, by Hull City Council in partnership with Liverpool City Council, which has been awarded £200,000 by the Road Safety Trust.

The crossing trials were originally due to take place in the first half of this year, but have been delayed because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The project was first announced in June last year.

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