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Residents invited to learn more about Queens Gardens redevelopment at Hull’s Guildhall

Residents are being invited to learn more about the major improvements to the much-loved green space in Hull city centre. People can find out about the work being undertaken at Queens Garden, including the rebuilding of the dock walls along the northern and southern boundary, and improved accessibility with wider footpaths and access ramps.

Taking place at The Guildhall on Wednesday 1 November, 2.30 – 6.30pm and Trinity Market, between 10am and 4pm on Friday 3, Saturday 4 and Wednesday 8 November, plans will be on display for residents and visitors to learn more about the work being undertaken to refresh the gardens.

The plans proposed both continue to offer peace and tranquillity within the gardens as well as transforming it for large-scale events. There will also be information about the tree planting and removal scheme that will futureproof the green space and its sustainability for future generations as well as about bespoke art telling the story of its maritime significance.

Councillor Mike Ross, Leader of Hull City Council, said: “Queens Gardens is an important and well loved public space and will provide a vital link between the Maritime Museum and the new home for the Arctic Corsair. Sadly, in recent years it has not had the care and maintenance it needs, so it is great to see work taking place now to put that right.

“These events are for people who want to learn more about the extensive work taking place over the coming months and how the improvements and tree planting will enhance the gardens for us all.”

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