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How To Shop Like A Boss During The Lockdown



The delivery slots are full, and there are still a few empty shelves. It can be difficult if you’re a single parent or working long hours and struggling to get to the store. The restrictions on some items are lifting, but some things can still be difficult to get. Don’t panic, here are some tips to help you shop like a boss during the lockdown.

Skip The Supermarkets

The supermarkets are well established and well known, which means they will experience the most demand. Workaround this, and look to the lesser-known stores. Pop into your local convenience stores, visit farmer’s markets and shops that don’t primarily sell food. You can also think about new local stores that aren’t well established. Thinking outside of the box will help you find what you want and need if you have a busy schedule.

Make A Plan

Make a plan and stick to it. You should focus on buying food that lasts. Making a meal plan and buying accordingly will help. Long-lasting foods include dried beans, nuts, rice, pasta, cheeses coated in wax, frozen food and tinned food. You can also think about meals that combine protein, carbohydrates and some vitamins and minerals. Possible combinations include beans and rice, and potato and butter. Building on these food combinations will help to ensure that you are well-nourished even if you struggle to find what you want.

Shop At Set Times

Ask the shop staff when they put out new stock and shop accordingly. If you can’t find out, try shopping in the morning or in the evening. This is especially important if you work long hours and are struggling to find what you need. Knowing when to shop can help you establish a routine around work.

Quantity Is Key

To prevent panic buying, some stores limit how many products you can buy. If you have children or work long hours this can be difficult. It’s important to establish how much you need and how often you can go to the store. If you need a lot of something and can’t go to the store regularly then it might be worth buying larger goods. For example, if you make a lot of bread, you might want to buy a 2kg bag of flour instead of a 1kg bag of flour.

Check The Date

Most people will be trying to shop less frequently, to avoid spreading the coronavirus. If you’re shopping less often or struggling to find time to shop around work and parenting, then its important that you check food dates. Making sure that you buy food with a longer shelf life will help you make your supplies last longer and avoid waste.

Try Click And Collect

If you can’t get a delivery spot, then try to Click and Collect. Click and Collect can help you to collect your groceries around work and parenting, without having to fight for a delivery slot. It’s easy to do and definitely worth a look.

Look Further Afield

If your local shops still have empty shelves, then it might be worth looking further afield. You can search online for shops in your area and beyond. Google Maps is a great tool to help you locate new shops to try. Shops in more isolated areas might be better stocked than shops in more densely populated areas, Use your head and try different stores.

Shop Like A Boss

Take control of your shopping and reduce your stress. Skipping the supermarkets, having a plan, shopping at set times, checking dates, trying Click and Collect and looking further afield can help you keep your cupboards full.

Now you’ve completed your shop, its time to cook up a storm with these incredible food bloggers.

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