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Humber NHS asks community for own ‘Health-Check’ to help improve services past 75th anniversary

Communities across Humber and North Yorkshire have been providing feedback about local NHS services and how they can be improved for future generations.

The ‘health check’ is one of the ways NHS Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) marked the 75th anniversary of the service, solidifying its commitment to ensuring patient voices are heard and integrated into the decision-making process.

Throughout the last week, over 400 responses were gathered in face-to-face feedback sessions at 19 locations, spanning the length and breadth of the region. Communities were encouraged to share their perspectives, provide constructive criticism and offer insights that contribute to improving services.

In addition to being out and about in the local communities, the ICB is asking people to complete a short online survey which closes on Sunday 16 July. All responses will be analysed to identify key themes and topics, with a report being produced to inform the future work of the local NHS.

Anja Hazebroek, Executive Director of Communications, Marketing and Media Relations at NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB, said: “We are immensely grateful to everyone who has taken the time to share their thoughts and experiences with us so far. 

“Public engagement is at the heart of our mission, and the insights we gathered through these face-to-face sessions will be invaluable in driving positive change within our health and care system. 

“Our team has worked hard to include a diverse range of voices and ensure that all of our communities are heard. We are committed to listening, learning and continually improving the services we provide.”

By embracing a patient-centric approach, NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB have underscored their commitment to transparency, collaboration and accountability.

The collected feedback will play an instrumental role in shaping future strategies, policies, and service improvements, ensuring that the local health service aligns with the needs and preferences of the community it serves.

NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB reaffirm its dedication to cultivating a health and care system which values patient input as a vital driver in the pursuit of meeting the needs of the population now and in the future.

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