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“Simply mesmerizing” – Reviewing Varna International Ballet at Hull New Theatre

Last night I saw Varna International Ballet’s performance of Swan Lake, and it was a beautiful evening! As soon as the curtain rose, we were greeted by Prince Siegfried (Vittorio Scole), who stood before us with a fairy tale book in hand, its story unfolding visually on the backdrop.

Let’s talk about the dancers. Vittorio Scole was simply mesmerizing. His elegance and poise on stage brought the character to life and captivated the audience. Konsta Roos (Baron Von Somerstein) had a commanding presence which complemented Scole’s Siegfried well.

Martina Prefetto as Odette/Odile was the star of the evening. Prefetto’s performance was incredible, earning her the longest and most enthusiastic applause from the packed-out theatre. Her portrayal of both the delicate Odette and the cunning Odile was flawless, particularly in the way she seamlessly transitioned between the two characters. Her grace, emotion, and sheer talent left me speechless. Every arabesque, every pirouette was executed with such precision and emotion that it was impossible not to be moved.

And let’s not forget about the Cygnets. Agnese di Dio Masa, Arianna Carafa, Monica Alegre, and Aurora Damele brought an energy to the stage that was infectious, with the entire audience watching their synchronized movements. All four of them were a joy to watch and added a playful element to the performance.

One of the most enchanting aspects of the performance was its ability to tell a compelling story through the universal language of music and dance. Without a single spoken word, the dancers conveyed a narrative rich in emotion, drama, and romance solely through their movements and the evocative score. From the haunting strains of Tchaikovsky’s music to the elegant pas de deux and intricate ensemble sequences, every element worked in harmony to transport the audience into the enchanted world of Swan Lake.

Conductor Peter Tuleshkov was instrumental in the Varna International Ballet’s Swan Lake performance, skillfully guiding the orchestra to enhance the storytelling and immerse the audience deeper into the magical world onstage. With precise cues and passionate interpretation, Tuleshkov ensured seamless synchronization between music and dance, heightening the emotional impact of each scene and weaving a captivating sonic backdrop for this timeless tale.

Overall, the Varna International Ballet’s performance of Swan Lake was an experience that I won’t soon forget. From the stunning choreography to the incredible performances, it was a night to remember.

Visit to see all of Varna International Ballet’s upcoming performances!

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